Yes, Joe is an 85 thousand year old legend and he'll do what he wants news flash to ABC: suck on it!Rose Bowl officials say Penn State violated two media access agreements at this year's game.
Bowl officials, who met in Pasadena this week, said in a statement that the first violation occurred when coach Joe Paterno failed to give a pre-game interview to ABC broadcasters.
The second violation was for failing to open the locker room to media after the game. Penn State doesn't open its locker room after games at Beaver Stadium.Really? REALLY!?!? Penn State made all the important players available after the game they just didn't "open the locker room" to the media. If ever there was a cry of entitlement by the main street media types this is it. So what can dear old PSU expect from these findings?
Bowl officials said "appropriate responsive actions" were approved, but did not release details.
NObody expects the Rose Bowl inquisition!! Give them… the comfy CHAIR!

Update: as is usually the case BSD has a much better take on this here. Like I said:
Bullshit reporter pandering.After the Rose Bowl, Penn State did not open its locker room to media, as per its normal policy for both home and away games. Instead, it brought players to a hallway directly outside the locker room, where they met with reporters.
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