Thursday, January 24, 2008

ESPN: Pay no attention to the drunk behind the curtain

This is news a tad on the old side but I thought I'd bring it up because it warms the cockles of my heart. During a roast of ESPN radio show "Mike & Mike in the Morning" co-hosts Mike Golic and Mike Greenberg, "First Take" host Dana Jacobson went just a little over the top.

ESPN anchor Dana Jacobson made an absolute fool of herself, swilling vodka from a Belvedere bottle, mumbling along and cursing like a sailor as Mike & Mike rested their heads in their hands in embarrassment.

Reportedly, she said something to the effect of "Fuck Notre Dame," and "Fuck Touchdown Jesus," and yes, Chuck Weis was in attendance. Brilliant. Keep in mind that we at TNL wholeheartedly endorse drunken, expletive – laced tirades but we caution that said tantrums should NOT come at inappropriate times such as… oh, I don't know… company events. We also warn that power drinkin' (as was most likely the case for Ms. Jacobson) should only be done by skilled professional drinkers with trained livers and not by amateurs (which again is probably the case for Dana). The sweet, fluffy icing on top of this shit cake is that it couldn't happen to a nicer network than the WWL. Images of ESPN middle-manager types cringing at the thought of damage control go dancing through our heads. When asked if ESPN should do this on a regular basis ESPN spokesman Mike Soltys said, "We won't be participating in another roast anytime soon." No kidding, good choice there Mikey boy.

Amazingly, it's nearly impossible to find anything on even mentioning the "event." The only article I could find is this short, discrete, matter of fact discipline notice released yesterday, that I found only after searching the site for "Dana Jacobson" yet when I opened the Home page I found this:

So using the word "lynch" is so offensive that it gets top billing even after weeks of talking about it but "Fuck Jesus" doesn't even deserve mention. Nice PR work there ESPN. The really ironic twist to the Jim Brown interview is it was recorded on the very show Dana Jacobson works, "ESPN's First Take," sans-Jacobson. Life is a kick in the crotch sometimes and right now ESPN is rolling on the floor holding their jimmies and that makes me smile.


Adam J said...

You cannot possibly have expected any different response from ESPN.

Galen said...


Nope, I could have scripted it but it still is fun pointing out hypocrisy.