Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Holy Cow!

This is a college football blog, but off-season summers are filled with baseball and I spent many days listening to “Scooter” and watching Don Mattingly play on WPIX. Some gems from the AP story on his passing, one on his playing days:
Rizzuto tried out with the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants when he was 16, but because of his size was dismissed by Dodgers manager Casey Stengel, who told him to “Go get a shoeshine box.” He went on to become one of Stengel's most dependable players.

And from his broadcast career:

If he missed a play, he would scribble "ww" in his scorecard box score. That, he said, meant "wasn't watching.”

His Hall of Fame inclusion might be considered dubious, but he was the sound of baseball to me when I was younger.

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