"I wasn't really holding out for it. I mean, I grew up a Pitt fan all my life and always hated Penn State, so when they offered me, I wasn't really that into it," said Dieffenbach. "But then I visited and it was different from what I thought. I loved it, and the tables turned."As Mike points out, head on over to the Pitt message boards, if you don't have a smile on your face for the rest of the day… well… you're just not an ignorant ass like me.
-The AP is reporting that the NCAA has responded to Florida State's appeal of sanctions from their academic cheating scandal and they've done so with a carrier pigeon and decoder ring.
The NCAA's Committee on Infractions responded Tuesday to Florida State's appeal of sanctions from an academic cheating scandal, but kept its answer secret and gave the school 15 days to respond.FSU's response?
"Our comment will be the rebuttal," associate athletic director Rob Wilson said. "We'll all know a lot more when we send this thing back."Super secret probation and an equally clandestine response = not good news for FSU.
-Things have been quiet on the wrestling front since "the day the wrestling world was turned upside down" when PSU hired Cael Sanderson but the rumor mill hasn't stopped buzzing. Some items of concrete certainty have surfaced though. A week after the announcement, two of the nation's best high school wrestlers signed on with Penn State: twin brothers Andrew and Dylan Alton. Recently, all-American and erstwhile Iowa State wrestler Cyler Sanderson was given a release to join his older brother and wrestle his senior season at Penn State. This will instantly give Penn State a shot in the arm for this season, it's been widely speculated that until Cael gets his recruits in place that Penn State would be in a rebuilding phase at least for the next couple years, but if this is any indication of things to come, perhaps not.
-Speaking of Penn State wrestling, if you want a great blog of all things PSU Wrestling, visit Happy Valley Half Nelson. I have to admit, we wrestling fans may be small in number but we make up for it in fanaticism.
Man, don't tell me you lost your stump image and replaced it with clip art. This is why we can't have nice things
update the shadenfreude with Ricketts
Yeah I think the photobucket account that had my stump has been canceled and I can't find it anymore.
That is worth a sperate post.
You see this:
I'm so proud.
Can't decide on predicted BSD counter-whine; between:
"We're no worse than everybody else!"
or "ESPN just picks on us!"
Holy CRAP, M1EK is still around?? Boy, figures that you're still finding something to complain about. Weren't you predicting that PSU was going to be mediocre last year? The one who worried about our recruiting?
Like I said, it's no shock that instead of owning up to all the times you've been wrong, you decided to just rant about something much less important. Good show...
M1EK is an important member of the PSU family, everyone needs the angry, bitter uncle that thinks everyone is full of shit. Having said that, I can't stand this year's shedule, there are some games I'm considering not even going over to tailgate they are so bad PSU; deserves the criticism
Without a doubt...no one will argue that the OOC isn't seven shades of garbage. We could be undefeated an still passed over for a NC berth, that's how bad it is. THAT SAID.....
All I'm saying is that I don't even see how this guy can be a PSU fan, seeing as he ignores the good things and accentuates the bad.
1) B10 championship...check.
2) 11 win season...check.
3) Win over OSU in Columbus...check.
4) Dominant recruiting thus far...check.
5) Stealing Pitt legacies...check.
6) Virtually free of the police blotter...check.
What is the point of rooting for a team when all you ever want to do is criticize them. I mean all the things this guy whined about...win total, recruiting, general player thuggery...have seemingly rectified themselves. It's just funny you don't see him popping up congratulating the program for all those things...
"Anonymous", your balls must be the size of watermelons to throw this crap from behind that brown paper bag.
I defend Penn State all the time - but, and here's the part that might require you to engage your brain for a second: on other blogs. Last year, for instance, I spent a hell of a lot of time arguing that our win over Oregon State and loss to Iowa was just as good a resume as what Florida had. Sites like EDSBS, for instance. Maybe you can use the google for help.
There's not a lot of point in defending Penn State to other Penn Staters at a site that pretty much only Penn Staters read, Einstien.
Two I remembered off the top of my head.
""Anonymous", your balls must be the size of watermelons to throw this crap from behind that brown paper bag."
Dude, for real? I'm not as attached to the internet as you are that I'm going to open up an account on a blog just so that I can use an equally cryptic moniker, which in your eyes would somehow make me less anonymous. I'm also not stupid enough to publish my full name on a blog. I mean...really? Do you, like, live on the internet?
"There's not a lot of point in defending Penn State to other Penn Staters at a site that pretty much only Penn Staters read, Einstien."
Really? Because you sure don't have a problem tearing them down on PSU sites. Don't spin this into something it's not. You pissed and moaned on RUTS and BSD about a garden variety of things, which I've already detailed above. Then, ya know, we kinda fixed all that (feel free to read the above again). So instead of sacking up like a man and admitting you were wrong on all these things (something you often expected out of others), you changed gears to piss and moan about something else. You're a fairweather fan, and a teflon princess.
Buddy, NO ONE is happy about PSU's OOC schedule. Do you think I am? 'Cus I'm sure as hell not. But to sit here and watch you consistently find something to bitch about...all the while ignoring the amazing stretch PSU is having right now...it's just downright mind-boggling. You're a myopic, sensationalistic spinmaster, nothing more.
Dear Anonymous, is your reading comprehension at a third-grade level or what?
I gave you links where you can see me defending Penn State to outsiders, moron. Is your mouse broken? Cut/paste/boom.
I was wrong about Daryl Clark. Thanks to the actions of the BSD moderator who refused to enforce standards of behavior against others while preventing me from responding in kind, I lacked the opportunity to comment when it became clear he really was doing great.
That was, what, one time? You megahomers have been wrong, what, all the other times?
"I was wrong about Daryl Clark. Thanks to the actions of the BSD moderator who refused to enforce standards of behavior against others while preventing me from responding in kind, I lacked the opportunity to comment when it became clear he really was doing great.
That was, what, one time? You megahomers have been wrong, what, all the other times?"
And that would be a great argument if I didn't frequent both BSD and RUTS. Please, don't act like you were the victim. ALL you did was insult people and pick fights, about EVERYTHING that I've mentioned (and then, of course, try to feign innocence): how good we would be, recruiting, police blotter, beating the "big boys," etc. You were never wrong, except for, ya know, the times you were (which was often).
Let's just call a spade a spade; you're one of those types of people who needs something to bitch about. Nothing is ever good enough, and moreover, you've never lost an argument.
Duty calls:
Actually, "Anonymous", you're more like this guy:
Dear Einstien, for the third time, there's no point in defending Penn State on a Penn State blog read almost entirely by Penn Staters. Dumbass. If your idea of a compelling experience is a bunch of like-minded folks stroking each other, allow me to suggest that you find a bath-house instead of a blog.
Wait, I'm confused, so the only reason you come to Penn State sites is to argue with people that have the same interests as you??!?
I'll bet your family reunions are a blast.
"I'd like to say nice things about you uncle Bob but I didn't come here to be like-minded with you, you drunken bum"
What? That would be an incredibly apt description of me, if, ya know, I had actually challenged you physically or something. I'm pretty sure you're the one commenting on one's "balls," not me.
I'm tired of "fighting" with you. Long story short, you talk a big game, but when push comes to shove you bail out, using some asinine "well I'm not going to have the same opinion as everyone else!" bullcrap. It's getting old. You were dead wrong about everything you said last year, and you can't sack up and admit it. Case closed.
I say this with all seriousness...I literally cannot fathom that you're actually a PSU fan. We just finished an amazing season where we beat OSU in Columbus, broke the streak to UM, thumped an Oregon State team that was one game away from winning the Pac-10 championship, and fought back admirably in the Rose Bowl after one lousy quarter. We're translating our on-the-field success into one of the BEST recruiting classes in the country. We're stealing Pitt legacy recruits. Minus one small indiscretion by Bowman, we're clear of the police blotter. What the hell more do you want?
I'm sorry that you're clearly unhappy with your life. My suggestion...buy a punching bag or something to get rid of the anger. It would be a hell of a lot more constructive than posting the drivel you do online...and that's my last word on that. Good day, "Einstien."
Dear Anonymous, if there's anybody who's been showing the old rage-a-holism here, it's you; not me. Grow up.
Wrong about 'everything' last year? List 'em. What, precisely, other than "not sure at all that Daryl Clark can be developed by JayPa" are you referring to?
The year before I predicted 8-4, against the grain of the homerkooks, and was absolutely right. Where were you?
"What the hell more do you want?"
A schedule that doesn't make me ashamed. Don't you?
And Galen, thanks for piling on, dude. Way to show the class. You know what the point is - defend the family to outsiders; talk honestly and seriously when among insiders (and, no, not everything I said was criticism - not even on the HomerKook site par excellence - go look if you don't believe me).
No problem man, that's what I do best pile on. When I played football I was always the guy that jumped on the pile at the end of the play just before the whistle blew.
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