Friday, October 10, 2008

The Intertubes R weird: Exhibit A – The Badger song

I was happily writing my Wisconsin preview and wanted to add the 'Badger, Badger, Badger' song to it so off to YouTube I went. Well, let me just tell you anytime there is a virtual phenomenon like the Badger song there is bound to be copycats and I knew this but good God the Badger song is out of control. There's Weird Al versions, baby Badger versions, and even real life people mimicking the thing. Sooooooo… instead of embedding one badger song in my preview I decided to make a collection of badger songs in a separate post. For the truly bored person, behold: Badgers! –ed. note after watching this you will either hate Wisconsin, me or yourself.

The original

Mutherfuckin' Badgers on a plane

Badgers Transformers

NOW for the REALLY weird stuff – People with too much time and not enough brains.

But the Best of the Worst… seriously people how drunk do you have to be?!?!


Anonymous said...

I want the last 10 minutes of my life back, please

Galen said...

Hey, you were warned.