Thursday, September 28, 2006

Must-hear broadcast

I missed this because I haven’t had time to surf much lately, but this is a must listen. The House Rock Built has a recording of an MSU radio host absolutely melting completely and manically down during his radio show this week talking about the mind-boggling choke job the Spartans did Saturday against the Irish. It’s fifteen minutes of pure rage that can’t be put to words. The guy almost loses his voice he’s yelling so much. Now I’m known around these parts as a person with a bit of a fly-off-the-handle temper when it comes to college football, hell I even mooned a TV once, but generally I lose control… break something and the next day I’m back to my good old self – albeit hung over. I can honestly say I’ve never carried the kind of rage this guy possesses to work the following week. I beg any of you that have not already heard this to go on over and listen to it in its entirety.

Some quotes to whet the appetite:

Note to John L. Smith: Learn the F’in rules and understand that your time outs are not like cell phone minutes: they don’t carry over!!!

They had ‘em by the throat and instead of cuttin’ it real deep and watching the blood squirt all over, you let ‘em get into halftime so fat boy can feed ‘em pudding

Pucker, pucker, pucker!!

What the hell are you doing in the shotgun in a monsoon!?!? Run the football!!

Pucker, pucker, pucker!

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